“I somehow cannot get this one past incident out of my head and it’s becoming difficult for me to think clearly…”

“I have an upset stomach frequently and this wasn’t so before...”

Do you relate to these statements?

Most alternative medicine practitioners will diagnose such statements when prescribing medicine. These indicate underlying physical and emotional issues, which need attention before they worsen.

Alternative medicine, like crystal healing and reiki may work wonders when treating these seemingly insignificant issues and many a times, these alternative medicine practitioners take support of natural gemstones when helping an individual heal from within.

Are these gemstones really effective? In our upcoming blog series 'Health and Gemstones', we will be shedding light on how these gemstones, like Jade, Garnet, Peridot and Citrine, can benefit us.

In this first post in our series, we will explore the benefits that the Amethyst offers.

The Amethyst, a purple-hued quartz variety, can gradually improve digestive health and hormonal functions, leading to a positive effect on the skin and mental health.

This purple quartz is quite popular and is used in many jewellery pieces, not only for its attractiveness but also for its healing properties. Some also believe that this stone can protect the wearer from black magic.

Before we delve into the whats and hows of the benefits of an Amethyst, let us quickly understand how it is formed.

The Amethyst you wear is over a million years old

The Amethyst forms over millions of years within a basalt rock or put simply, rocks formed from volcanic lava. For the Amethyst to form, there has to be a cavity within this rock with gamma irradiation present to kick off the Amethyst formation process.

Is this stone original or fake?

Typically, gemstones, like the Amethyst, do not have a uniform colour or any bubble formation within. These stones change colour once an individual starts wearing them and may fade when they come in contact with direct sunlight or abrasive chemicals. These are the simple tell-tale signs that one can lookout for and be assured that the stone is in fact, genuine.

Now that you have ticked off these checkboxes and reassured yourself of the genuineness of the stone you are wearing, let us understand how the Amethyst can positively influence you simultaneously at three levels – physical, mental and spiritual.

Amethyst – helps achieve physical well-being

·        The Amethyst is believed to influence the wearer’s digestive abilities and thus boosts metabolism. This enhanced metabolism aids weight loss.

·        As digestion improves, the wearer’s immunity gets a boost. Thus, the Amethyst can also help improve one’s immunity.

·        It is also believed to be good at supporting the respiratory system.

·        Lastly, it is believed to help alleviate hormonal imbalances

Amethyst – great for mental health

·        Physical health has a direct correlation to mental health. As the Amethyst addresses the underlying issues to most major physical issues, it helps balance the individual’s mind.

·        Stress, anxiety, fear, anger and sadness is reduced simply by wearing or holding this gemstone, it is believed.

·        A calm mind can focus better and the calming effect of the Amethyst is evident as one can experience clarity and ease in decision-making

·        Moreover, the quiet mind can fall asleep better and thus, the Amethyst can also be beneficial to those with sleep issues.

Amethyst – takes you to a higher spiritual level

·        The Amethyst is believed to open the third eye chakra of spiritual seekers.

·        It can also help sharpen spiritual insights secured as one walks the spiritual path.

·        Additionally, the stone is believed to soak the negative energies surrounding the wearer and boost the positive vibrations within.

·        In some, the Amethyst is believed capable of boosting intuitive power.

If gemstones can work at deeper levels as mentioned above, they may have side-effects, too on some.

The side-effects that some may experience can range from acne, dizziness, nausea, bloating, to migraines and dermatological issues. So, it is best to tread with care when picking a gemstone and some say it is best to not wear the Amethyst daily.

Which other gemstones can one use with the Amethyst?

Those of us who like wearing gemstones for their attractiveness rather than their benefits, it is still advisable that the right combination of gemstones be worn together to avoid any negative impacts.

The gemstones that can work in harmony with the Amethyst are any from the quartz family, like rose quartz, carnelian and citrine.

Considering the properties of the Amethyst, it is believed that this gemstone can suit people born under the zodiac signs – Pisces and Aquarius. It is the emotional healing properties of the Amethyst that benefit the empathetic Pisces and the clarity of the mind it offers, which benefits the intellectual Aquarian.

Here’s all you need to know about the Amethyst. Stay tuned for more on the other gemstone varieties available at our Pilgrimaide Pooja Shoppe. Until then, you can browse through some of the zodiac gemstone bracelets at our store and online
